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SSH Proxy v15 07 MacOSX Retail-CORE
Applications > Mac
4.57 MB

ssh proxy mac

Jul 21, 2015

t h e c r a c k e r s o f [rAD!s]

p r e s e n t t h e 3 0 k - c o l l e c t i o n

SSH Proxy v15.07 *RETAIL*

Cracked by: CORE Release-Name: CR-8WF75.ZIP
Supplied: CORE Release-Date: 2015/07/21
Packaged: CORE Release-Type: Utilities
Protection: DRM OS: MacOSX
Crack/SN: None Language: English
Rating: [You decide!] Disks: 1
: DESCRiPTiON: SSH Proxy can help you turn any remote SSH server into a SOCKS v5
proxy, intuitive and easy to use

SSH Proxy is able to remember the SSH login password & private key
passphrase and save it to OS X's keychain. Furthermore, SSH Proxy
is designed to automatically reconnect when your Mac is waking up
from sleep

Notable Features:
Auto launch when log in OS X
Ability to share SOCKS v5 proxy on LAN
Create SOCKS v5 proxy through SSH tunnel
Fast switch between multiple SSH accounts
Automatically reconnect after disconnected by errors or waking
up from sleep
Remember SSH login password & private key passphrase in OS X
Keychain automatically
Whitelist, only sites on the list will be accessed through the
proxy server, other sites will be connected directly

SSH Functions:
Able to compress SSH connection
Connecting through SOCKS v5 / SOCKS v4 / HTTP proxy with
Support public-key, password, keyboard-interactive and
multi-factor authentication methods
Support Google Authenticator and Authy for two-step
Support multi-factor authentication
Can deal with DSA, RSA, ECDSA private key types
RFC4716, PKCS#8 and PEM key formats are supported, fully
compatible with OpenSSH: iNSTALL/REGiSTER NOTES: Unpack and enjoy

Thanks for choosing
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